
Week 2 classes….This week lots of fun was had in class! Check out some of the pictures…

Classes 3a and 3b made masks of their favourite celebrities and interviewed each other as if they were reporters for a gossip magazine. The celebrities they chose included Lionel Messi, Queen Elizabeth II, Ariana Grande and even Mr Bean and his teddy bear! Thanks to the teacher, Georgia, for a creative and interactive lesson!

The higher-level classes were busy electing class representatives for a student focus group meeting. Gary, who teaches class 8b, turned his lesson into a democratic process, with campaign speeches from the candidates and a secret ballot to decide the winner. It was an engaging way to learn about democracy in action.

Class 4a were learning about food with their teacher, Zoi, and they made their own menus to use in a restaurant roleplay – yum!

The noticeboards outside the classrooms are looking very colourful as well. The teachers use the boards to show what the students will do in class – this week it’s everything from using the past tenses to describe a crime scene, to dissecting flowers in a nature-themed lesson.