Child Protection and Welfare

The safety and well-being of our students is at the core of what we do at Manor Courses and we know that it is the number one concern for parents when choosing a language school overseas.
We also know that being away from home can sometimes be difficult for younger children, which is why we focus on creating a warm welcoming family atmosphere that provides support and comfort to our students when away from home.
Child Protection and Safeguarding
Manor Courses takes very seriously its responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of students; and to work to ensure adequate arrangements to identify, assess, and support any student who is suffering harm, distress, neglect, abuse or injury.
We work extremely hard in order to ensure comprehensive training for all staff in child welfare. Our designated Student Protection Officer and the Welfare Manager are responsible for the overall welfare of all our students and to provide awareness discussion and guidance for all members of staff.
Click to download our Safeguarding Children & Child Protection Policy
Student Supervision
All students on our Summer Camp are supervised by house managers, teachers and activity leaders living on campus. Staff supervise all houses during the day and night and security services patrol the campus during the evening and night.
We register all our students 7 times per day and there are only a few short periods when students are not supervised, between lessons and activities and before or after they finish their meals. Students aged 13 years and older can choose 1 free-time session each day. They can go to their house, office, activity centre, internet room, or relax in the gardens or watch the activities (they are supervised by patrolling staff).
Arriving and Departing
Manor Courses representatives will meet your child at the airport and escort them by private coach/taxi to Hurst College. Or parents can drop-off students at Hurst College. After students check-in at the office, they will visit their house and bedroom, then join the activity sessions.
On the second day there is a welcome assembly, where our new students get to learn about the timetable, activities and rules. Then they have a short English level test and a tour of the campus.
At the end of the English course we escort students back to the airport, assist with check-in and take them to passport control. Or parents can collect students from Hurst College if they would prefer.
Click to download our Student Handbook.
Staff Recruitment
All Manor Courses Summer School employees have a full and active part to play in protecting our students from harm, and are dedicated to every student’s welfare.
We ensure that our selection and recruitment of staff meet the requirements as set down in guidance provided by the Department for Education and Skills.
We carefully select our staff and undertake references and ask for police / criminal records checks to ensure that all employees are suitable to work with minors.
All our staff are fully inducted to provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment.
Our Welfare Team
Our helpful welfare team provide students and group leaders with 24 hour support on campus. Furthermore parents and agents have easy access to senior management because we, the directors, live on campus with our summer team.
We create a friendly and safe home environment and offer various accommodation options with 3 healthy meals per day.
You can find out more about the Manor Courses English School team here.