
We have a set of 40 rules aimed at making your stay with us as productive, safe and enjoyable as possible for all concerned.

The Rules = 40 Rules

Keep this with you all the time.


8 College Rules for Safety

YOU HELP US – Respect the environment and everyone, students and supervisors (Teachers/Leaders/Managers).

WE HELP YOU – Directors are always in the office if you need help, or if do not understand.

Do (Students must …) 1. You must go to all Lesson / Registration / Activity / Meetings on time. 2. You must carry MC ID card with the telephone number. 3. You must listen to Supervisors and be quiet when they speak. 4. You must get permission to leave the College campus.

Do Not (Students must not…) 1. You must not have / Use alcohol / tobacco / drugs on- or off-campus. 2. You must not damage / Steal / Take other students’ / MC / Hurst property. 3. You must not damage / Play with fire alarms / detectors. 4. You must not fight / bully other students.


8 Living Rules

YOU HELP US – Stay only in the campus area on the College Map, do not enter the red areas.

WE HELP YOU – Supervisors meet you every day at 10pm in the house.

Do (Students must …) 1. You must register your name when Supervisors ask. Use an alarm. 2. You must cross the roads carefully at the 2 safe crossing places. 3. You must keep your room / house / college clean, safe and calm. 4. You must keep money / valuables safe = = use the Office Bank or lock it in your suitcase.

Do Not (Students must not…) 1. You must not enter Classrooms or Activity areas without a Supervisor. 2. You must not leave your House after 10pm. Never escape. 3. You must not enter another student’s bedroom without permission. 4. You must not enter houses of the opposite gender = = no boys in Girl houses + no girls in Boy houses.


8 Activity & Free-time Rules

YOU HELP US – Try to join all sessions, if you do not want to join an activity you have only 1 chance to relax per day.

WE HELP YOU – Supervisors explain the rules of each activity at the start of each session.

Do (Students must …) 1. You must join 2 sessions with a Supervisor each day. 1 session can be free. 2. You must register (with a Leader) for the activity you will join. 3. You must get permission from your Group Leader for free-time. 4. You must register for ‘free-time’ if you do not join/watch an activity. Choose to go to A) your house, B) shop/office, C) activity centre/internet room, D) relax in the gardens.

Do Not (Students must not…) 1. You must not leave the campus area on the College Map. 2. You must not misbehave or disturb other students or Leaders. 3. You must not finish an activity early without telling the Leader your name. 4. You must not have 2 ‘free-time’ sessions in 1 day.


8 Lesson Rules

YOU HELP US – Use every opportunity to speak English.

WE HELP YOU – Teachers explain the rules of each class at the start of the course.

Do (Students must …) 1. You must attend every Lesson on time (do not be late). 2. You must tell a Supervisor if you cannot go to Lessons. 3. You must turn off phones or give them to your Teacher. 4. You must behave in the class block when there are no Teachers there.

Do Not (Students must not…) 1. You must not use your first language, except for translations. 2. You must not be late for the start of Lessons. 3. You must not leave the classroom, except for toilet or emergencies. 4. You must not disturb other students from learning.


8 Excursion Rules

YOU HELP US – Listen to the Supervisors about meeting times / places.

WE HELP YOU – You will stay with your group an Supervisor, but have some free-time if you are 13 or older.

Do (Students must …) 1. You must wear MC ID with map in the lanyard around your neck. 2. You must stay in groups of 3 students all the time, never be alone. 3. You must be careful of strangers. 4. You must be careful at road crossings. Stop, look, listen before crossing.

Do Not (Students must not…) 1. You must not be late for meeting your group. 2. You must not go off the area on the map. 3. You must not go without an adult if you are 12 years old, or younger. 4. You must not buy alcohol/tobacco/drugs or DVD/games with age restrictions.


The Consequences = our Discipline Procedures

If students do not follow the rules Manor Courses might discipline you/students.

The punishment depends on how serious or how bad the behaviour is.

Here are some punishments we might use.

• Ask you to help a Supervisor. • Take away free-time / activity sessions. • Change your bedroom or house. • Not give you the MC certificate. • Contact your parents by email / phone. • Ask your parents to pay for damage or costs. • Send you home. • Contact the Police.