
Today we celebrated many things. Traditionally this date is a French celebration and we know our French students have enjoyed some Bastille Day festivities, and may do so again later tonight.

But this year Manor Courses also celebrate our 45th anniversary. Interestingly we started summer schools in 1970, and the French started celebrating their La Fete De La Federation in 1790. Interestingly similar numbers and dates. Many months ago we decided to celebrate our anniversary on a few selected dates over summer, the 14th July and 15th July were some of the days. We never even noticed the coincidence with Bastille Day. To celebrate the significance of numbers we put our souvenir T-shirts on a special deal of £14 instead of £15, for 1 day only, then introduced another special deal of buy 2 for £17.90.

We would like to mention that French students were amongst our first ever groups in 1970, when the campus was in Lewes.  Some French students who joined in the early 1980s have even sent their own children to us. We are proud and ever grateful to the many students, parents, group leaders and agents that have sent children to study and enjoy their summer holidays with us.

We wonder which agents has been coming to Manor Courses the longest. Is it STS Interway from Spain, or Hosaka Academy from Japan? Interestingly, both of these organisations have also sent members of their own family to us.

This year we have groups leaders who have spent many years with us, including Dr Ufuk from Turkey, Paula from Portugal, Rimma from Russia and Nella and Pia from Italy. Later in the summer we will meet Elena from Portugal, and John and Noriko, both from Japan, Nick from Hong Kong and Camella from Italy.

So, today has been lots of fun for other reasons, as it was also our first afternoon excursion. The good weather came out, and after dinner we had a birthday cake. The campus was alive with music, supplied by the drum circle. And finally the activities came to rest as the staff and students get near the end of their first week at Hurst. Tomorrow will include review tests of the week’s Language syllabus and in the afternoon a big Birthday Theme Day. Teachers, House Managers and Activity Leaders will be in the sports areas playing games and having fun.

We look forward to it!